Tina Morlock, front-end developer

Tina Morlock

Front-End Web Developer
Theatre CMS Project
About Us Page

HTML and CSS for about page on a custom CMS application.

Theatre CMS Project
Cast Member Entry

HTML and CSS for CRUD page on a custom CMS application.

JS HTML and CSS Generator
HTML Code Generator

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that generates HTML and CSS.

JS Freelance Client Database
Freelance Client Database

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that keeps a database of freelance clients.

JS Gradient Background Generator
Background Generator

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that generates code for a gradient background.

JS To-Do List
JavaScript To-Do List

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to-do list app. Saves entries to local storage.

HTML and CSS for Flexbox Photo Gallery
Flexbox Photo Gallery

HTML and CSS for flexbox image gallery with polaroid look.
