Inbox Magic #2: Five Reasons Why You Should Send a List to Your Email List

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One thing about me? I love simple systems. And today’s Inbox Magic is all about making your marketing to-do list as easy as possible. Today’s email comes from Joy of Coding, a coding bootcamp that boasts a super-high placement rate. Their style of email marketing is a good, old-fashioned listicle. But it’s even shorter than a normal listicle! (Check it out below.)

A list about this list that makes this email work so well:

  • Reverse psychology works. Like a lot. Every time a marketer tries to pull this on me, it works. Well, most of the time.
  • It’s super funny and entertaining. Even if you’re not going to click on their CTA, you’re going to have a few laughs.
  • How much time did reading this email really take? Not much at all.
  • It pokes fun at your reluctance to purchase their product/service in a light and endearing way.
  • And give it an extra bonus for making it super easy to create with some high-tech emojis and that’s about it. No flashy photography or graphic design required.

List Email Template

  1. Decide how many reasons you want to include and the tone of your email content. Funny? Thought-provoking? Shocking? Tear-jerking? Craft your subject line to match that tone.
  2. Write down each reason, then a sentence or two to add context or commentary to them.
  3. Tell them that’d the end.
  4. Give them some statistic that relates to the problem you’re solving with your product or service.
  5. Hit ’em with the CTA.

Yep. That’s it. Super easy.

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