One thing about me? I love simple systems. And today’s Inbox Magic is all about making your marketing to-do list as easy as possible. Today’s email comes from Joy of Coding, a coding bootcamp that boasts a super-high placement rate. Their style of email marketing is a good, old-fashioned listicle. But it’s even shorter than a normal listicle! (Check it out below.)

A list about this list that makes this email work so well:
- Reverse psychology works. Like a lot. Every time a marketer tries to pull this on me, it works. Well, most of the time.
- It’s super funny and entertaining. Even if you’re not going to click on their CTA, you’re going to have a few laughs.
- How much time did reading this email really take? Not much at all.
- It pokes fun at your reluctance to purchase their product/service in a light and endearing way.
- And give it an extra bonus for making it super easy to create with some high-tech emojis and that’s about it. No flashy photography or graphic design required.
List Email Template
- Decide how many reasons you want to include and the tone of your email content. Funny? Thought-provoking? Shocking? Tear-jerking? Craft your subject line to match that tone.
- Write down each reason, then a sentence or two to add context or commentary to them.
- Tell them that’d the end.
- Give them some statistic that relates to the problem you’re solving with your product or service.
- Hit ’em with the CTA.
Yep. That’s it. Super easy.
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